Hi! My name is Paolo Gianrossi.
I am a manager and a software engineer. I am the first senior engineering manager at Satispay, after spending 10 years between Amazon Alexa and AWS.
Most of my career has been in software. I worked in research, in startups, in Fortune 50 companies and scale-ups. I wrote software, owned fleets of servers small and large, managed projects, programs and teams. I believe in happy, agile teams that can change the world. I believe happy people working together will do amazing things. I focus on individual growth, on team dynamics, on business strategy, and on project management to achieve excellence through others. I have an idea or two on how to do that, and I talk a lot about it.
My technical background is in software engineering, systems design, infrastructure and reliability. In previous lives, I wrote C, Lisp, C++, Java, Python, Ruby, and a few more for money. I am comfortable with OOD, TDD, functional programming, large scale system design, and operational excellence. I used to write code for a living, now I write code as a hobby. I like Emacs, Ruby, C, Linux, and Functional Programming (in no particular order). I sometimes make some code public on GitHub.
I have lived in many countries, but I currently made it back to Italy. I have sailed the Mediterranean sea, flew planes over England, scuba dived in marine parks, surfed in the Atlantic, snowboarded on the Alps. I speak 6 languages. I have three kids and a wonderful wife.
I play the acoustic guitar. Not very well, nor very badly. I sometimes write songs that I rarely publish in some form or fashion. Mostly, I let my friend Ego sing, so I don’t have to embarrass myself more than I already do.
I play with radios, and I have been a ham in the UK. I can copy Morse code at around 20 wpm.
I like to cook and I’m reasonably good at it. I sometimes cook for large groups, more often for a few friends, almost daily for family. I prefer savoury dishes, mostly from the italian tradition. I also grill and barbecue, though, not necessarily in an Italian style. I bake with sourdough, and sometimes indulge in making my own cheese and fermenting stuff.
I work full time as a senior engineering manager at Satispay, working to revolutionise payments from the ground up. While I love my work there, the people, and the company, I must make clear that nothing on this site is representing Satispay or anyone that is not myself. Opinions are my own, and content is not related to my employer.
I’d love to chat about most topics. If you want to talk, reach out!